Jonathan here, sharing a piece of advice that could shift the way you navigate your career journey.
Let's talk about something many of us were never prepared for when we entered the corporate world: the paradox of loyalty.
Ok ok - now, Kobe Bryant’s loyalty to the lakers is unmatched and different than company loyalty (and if you’re thinking of job hopping / finding your next role, I got you by clicking here).
Let’s break it down.
Traditionally, loyalty is regarded as a virtue. However, in the corporate landscape, being too loyal to a company can sometimes hinder rather than help your career. Surprising, isn't it?
And you now what’s more surprising? According to this CNBC article in January 2023, 96% of workers are looking for a new job in 2023…
So why is job hopping becoming a trend that you should potentially consider following?
If you've been feeling underpaid and undervalued, consider this your sign to explore new opportunities. Sometimes, the most effective way to get a significant salary boost is to switch jobs, even if that means joining a competitor…
It’s how I went from a compensation of ~$40k at Snapchat to ~120k at Cisco in 2 years.
This isn't about disloyalty; it's about knowing your worth and taking steps to ensure you're compensated fairly for your skills and experience.
So, if you've been contemplating a job switch, maybe now's the time.
Good luck, and remember: you deserve to be paid fairly for the value you bring!
Until next time,
Jonathan Javier
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